February 3, 2020
Bandera County Candidates Q&A
The Bandera Prophet invited the candidates for Bandera County Constable Precinct 2 to participate in a Q&A. Each candidates’ response is published in alphabetical order.
The questions were as follows:
1. Why are you running for county constable?
2. What responsibilities does a county constable have?
3. What issues in your precinct do you think need to be addressed, and how do you plan to address them?
4. If you were given a $1 million grant to use for your department any way you choose, what would you do with the money and why?
5. What makes you the best candidate?
Ernest Reich:
1. I enjoy interfacing with the citizens, helping residents resolve problems with neighbors and many other issues.
2. Bailiff Justice Court, Serve civil papers from justice court and other courts such as district and county, The Attorney Generals Office, Texas workforce Commission, and notices of administrative hearings for subpoenas to Sheriff’s Deputies, Bandera Marshal’s and Troopers. Make arrests based on warrants, or traffic stops. Perform Litter abatement using Health and safety code 365, and Health and safety code 343. Also obtained felony conviction for illegal dumping for commercial purposes.
3. The issues consist of burglaries and drugs. It is difficult for a one man office to effectively work these. I have persons text me regarding the drugs and I take action. I have made felony cases for possession with intent to deliver and the Grand Jury indicted the individuals and They were convicted, and sent to prison.
4. The odds of receiving a grant of that level is only a dream and will probably never happen. If it did, I would add personnel and equipment for the personnel.
5. My years of education, 3,891 total training hours, 40 plus years of service to the residents of the County as constable, experience, Graduate of the Texas Constable’s Leadership College, Bill Blackwood Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas, Sam Houston State University, Attend TELEA (Texas Environmental Law Enforcement Association annual meetings in Bandera), knowledge of the people in our County, knowledge of the entire county, and the ability to work with the Sheriff’s Office, other Constables, and outside agencies.
Greg Spengler:
1. I am running for constable to improve the community. I was born and raised in Helotes but have lived in Lakehills for the past 20+ years, raising two kids here and building a respectable business. Lakehills is my home and it is my goal to continue to give back to this community and work to make it a safe place for all.
2. A constable’s main job is an officer of the Justice of the Peace court serving papers such as eviction notices, writ of possessions, and adults contributing to truancy. But that isn’t all that a constable can do, as peace officers we can do anything in the county the sheriff can do including enforcing traffic laws, cracking down on illegal drug activity, serving arrest warrants, and so on.
3. Theft and particularly mail box theft is something that people talk to me a lot about. This personally has affected me, friends, and neighbors as well as being a regular concern raised on the area community social media groups. It is concerning to me that it seems to be left in the hands of individuals to try to catch the thieves rather than having a stronger reaction from the county. Game cameras can be an effective way to catch thieves in the act and I would work with companies that sell game camera technology to see about donation or discounts for units to be put in the hot spots for theft. Also having more patrol presence in the community will deter illegal activity.
4. The first thing I'd do is invest in improving road conditions in some of the neighborhoods that are hardest to reach with emergency vehicles - as a volunteer firefighter for the past 9 years and currently the president of the Medina Lake Volunteer Fire Department board of directors, I know what a difference road improvements would make in ensuring that people get the fastest response time possible for emergencies. The other projects I'd fund would be focused on engaging our youth - the Lakehills Area Library and the Boys and Girls club do a great job of offering outlets for our youth and I'd like to see even more ways for them to be around positive role models and find their passions. Hooked on Fishing Not on Drugs, a program of the Future Fisherman Foundation, would be a natural fit for our lake community and teaches youth to fish and the benefits of a healthy way of living.
5. I completed police academy in 2014 for the sole purpose of gaining the credentials and knowledge needed to be your next constable. I currently serve as a deputy constable in Medina County and successfully perform the job duties of a constable ensuring that I have the experience needed to hit the ground running. My passion is to protect and serve the community and I bring so much more than just my peace officer license to the job - as a firefighter and a medical first responder I bring additional skills to the position making me the best person for the job of showing up in your time of crisis.
Thank you for your vote in the Republican primaries, please check out my Facebook page for more information and upcoming events. You must make a choice to take a chance, if you want anything to change. https://www.facebook.com/gregspenglerforconstable/
The questions were as follows:
1. Why are you running for county constable?
2. What responsibilities does a county constable have?
3. What issues in your precinct do you think need to be addressed, and how do you plan to address them?
4. If you were given a $1 million grant to use for your department any way you choose, what would you do with the money and why?
5. What makes you the best candidate?
Ernest Reich:
1. I enjoy interfacing with the citizens, helping residents resolve problems with neighbors and many other issues.
2. Bailiff Justice Court, Serve civil papers from justice court and other courts such as district and county, The Attorney Generals Office, Texas workforce Commission, and notices of administrative hearings for subpoenas to Sheriff’s Deputies, Bandera Marshal’s and Troopers. Make arrests based on warrants, or traffic stops. Perform Litter abatement using Health and safety code 365, and Health and safety code 343. Also obtained felony conviction for illegal dumping for commercial purposes.
3. The issues consist of burglaries and drugs. It is difficult for a one man office to effectively work these. I have persons text me regarding the drugs and I take action. I have made felony cases for possession with intent to deliver and the Grand Jury indicted the individuals and They were convicted, and sent to prison.
4. The odds of receiving a grant of that level is only a dream and will probably never happen. If it did, I would add personnel and equipment for the personnel.
5. My years of education, 3,891 total training hours, 40 plus years of service to the residents of the County as constable, experience, Graduate of the Texas Constable’s Leadership College, Bill Blackwood Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas, Sam Houston State University, Attend TELEA (Texas Environmental Law Enforcement Association annual meetings in Bandera), knowledge of the people in our County, knowledge of the entire county, and the ability to work with the Sheriff’s Office, other Constables, and outside agencies.
Greg Spengler:
1. I am running for constable to improve the community. I was born and raised in Helotes but have lived in Lakehills for the past 20+ years, raising two kids here and building a respectable business. Lakehills is my home and it is my goal to continue to give back to this community and work to make it a safe place for all.
2. A constable’s main job is an officer of the Justice of the Peace court serving papers such as eviction notices, writ of possessions, and adults contributing to truancy. But that isn’t all that a constable can do, as peace officers we can do anything in the county the sheriff can do including enforcing traffic laws, cracking down on illegal drug activity, serving arrest warrants, and so on.
3. Theft and particularly mail box theft is something that people talk to me a lot about. This personally has affected me, friends, and neighbors as well as being a regular concern raised on the area community social media groups. It is concerning to me that it seems to be left in the hands of individuals to try to catch the thieves rather than having a stronger reaction from the county. Game cameras can be an effective way to catch thieves in the act and I would work with companies that sell game camera technology to see about donation or discounts for units to be put in the hot spots for theft. Also having more patrol presence in the community will deter illegal activity.
4. The first thing I'd do is invest in improving road conditions in some of the neighborhoods that are hardest to reach with emergency vehicles - as a volunteer firefighter for the past 9 years and currently the president of the Medina Lake Volunteer Fire Department board of directors, I know what a difference road improvements would make in ensuring that people get the fastest response time possible for emergencies. The other projects I'd fund would be focused on engaging our youth - the Lakehills Area Library and the Boys and Girls club do a great job of offering outlets for our youth and I'd like to see even more ways for them to be around positive role models and find their passions. Hooked on Fishing Not on Drugs, a program of the Future Fisherman Foundation, would be a natural fit for our lake community and teaches youth to fish and the benefits of a healthy way of living.
5. I completed police academy in 2014 for the sole purpose of gaining the credentials and knowledge needed to be your next constable. I currently serve as a deputy constable in Medina County and successfully perform the job duties of a constable ensuring that I have the experience needed to hit the ground running. My passion is to protect and serve the community and I bring so much more than just my peace officer license to the job - as a firefighter and a medical first responder I bring additional skills to the position making me the best person for the job of showing up in your time of crisis.
Thank you for your vote in the Republican primaries, please check out my Facebook page for more information and upcoming events. You must make a choice to take a chance, if you want anything to change. https://www.facebook.com/gregspenglerforconstable/