Deferment, Driving and DoctorsHave you ever lived out in the middle of nowhere? I’m living there right now. As My Future Husband likes to say, “The only reason some people live this far out is because they just don’t want to be found. That, or they’re running from the law.” Well, I managed to find MFH, so wonder what laws he’s broken?
Sublime Rambling
Growing Up In BanderaAs I continue Growing Up In Bandera, I have to wonder where we are headed. Our way of life is being controlled by folks who don't have a clue about what a great place Bandera was before they arrived, but have decided they need to fix it!
Lakehills Library hosts new artistThe Pre-School Story Time is every Wednesday, 10:30 a.m. to noon. A Blood Drive will be held on Saturday, Feb. 22, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., in the library meeting room, sponsored by American Legion Post 157, Bandera.
This month at the Medina LibraryThe last day to turn in Winter Reading Challenge logs is Friday, Feb. 28.
Sailing the Pacific
A Walk Down History Lane
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a Quetzalcoatlus