Before and after photos of the Mansfield Park project completed by youth in the Bandera County Juvenile Probation Program.
Courtesy photos by Jack Moseley
July 15, 2021
Mansfield Park project helps kids help themselves and the county
By Jack Moseley
Bandera County Pct. 3 Commissioner
Bandera County would like to thank the Juvenile Probation Department for assisting with the cleaning and remodel of the entry way of Mansfield Park.
The juvenile probation department was approached to complete the project. During the month of May, the juvenile probation department utilized 16 juveniles on probation currently in the TO:BNEWE program, which is a community based intervention, prevention and diversion program operated by the juvenile probation office.
The program employs proven practices such as counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing and outdoor experiential education as well as vocational skills including welding, woodworking, electrical, culinary, landscaping, painting and gardening. The intention of the program is to frontload the system in an effort to keep kids as shallow in the system as possible.
The project at Mansfield Park provided the opportunity to not only complete community service hours but to also engage the youth on probation in essential objectives taught in the TO:BNEWE program including responsibility for actions, leadership, development in social skills (team work), rational decision making, communication skills, working through adversity, and taking pride in their community.
Throughout the project the youth also gained valuable vocational knowledge in woodworking, painting and landscaping totaling 300-plus hours of community service and vocation programming.
The juvenile probation department was approached to complete the project. During the month of May, the juvenile probation department utilized 16 juveniles on probation currently in the TO:BNEWE program, which is a community based intervention, prevention and diversion program operated by the juvenile probation office.
The program employs proven practices such as counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing and outdoor experiential education as well as vocational skills including welding, woodworking, electrical, culinary, landscaping, painting and gardening. The intention of the program is to frontload the system in an effort to keep kids as shallow in the system as possible.
The project at Mansfield Park provided the opportunity to not only complete community service hours but to also engage the youth on probation in essential objectives taught in the TO:BNEWE program including responsibility for actions, leadership, development in social skills (team work), rational decision making, communication skills, working through adversity, and taking pride in their community.
Throughout the project the youth also gained valuable vocational knowledge in woodworking, painting and landscaping totaling 300-plus hours of community service and vocation programming.