April 25, 2022
Cruisin’ the East End
Serving Pipe Creek, Lakehills and Mico
By Vicki L. George
The Bandera Prophet
EARLY VOTING for a Special Election is happening now at the usual early voting locations: Lakehills Area Library, 7200 FM 1283; Ray Mauer Building, 403 12th St., Bandera; and Medina Annex, 161 E. Parker St., Medina. Dates and hours are April 25 to May 3, Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; with extended hours Tuesday, April 26, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
This is for two proposed Texas Constitutional Amendments, for reducing taxes for senior citizens.
ELECTION DAY is Saturday, May 7, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at several combined locations.
MOTHER’S DAY is Sunday, May 8. In 1908 Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother. She meant to honor her mother and she believed all people should honor their mothers.
Her campaign efforts resulted in President Woodrow Wilson signing a proclamation creating Mother’s Day in 1914, setting the second Sunday in May as a national holiday to honor mothers.
Happy Mother’s Day to all moms!
MEDINA LAKE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT will hold their annual BBQ, Auction & Raffle on Saturday, April 30, starting at 11 a.m. Located at 10660 PR 37 in Lakehills, the barbecue meal will be followed by the live auction.
Raffle tickets are available now and can be purchased online by going to the website www.medinalakevfd.com/raffle/ for $10 for 12 tickets. Or, purchase locally from a firefighter at $1 each or $5 for six tickets.
There is a separate, limited ticket Gun Raffle, the tickets purchased in person only from a firefighter or board member. Those tickets are $25 each and only 400 will be sold. Three guns are offered: an AR-15, a 9 mm pistol, and a 12-Ga shotgun. Thanks to Reflex Firearms for donating the guns.
To donate a new or like new item for the auction or raffle, contact the fire department at 830-751-2525.
AMERICAN LEGION POST 410, 147 Legion Dr., Lakehills, is looking for dart players. Teams are now forming for the spring and summer 2022 season. To sign up, contact a veteran at the Post, or a member of the Medina Lake Country Club. For more information, call 210-289-1461, or visit medinalakedart.leaguerepublic.com or check them out on Facebook.
MICO VFD will hold the 58th annual Fundraiser BBQ on Saturday, May 7, beginning at 11 a.m. Located at 7121 CR 271 in Mico, the event will include a raffle, live and silent auctions, bounce houses for all ages, artistic face painting, cotton candy and ice cream; and the opportunity to dunk a firefighter into a dunk tank.
LAKEHILLS FARMERS MARKET, 101 Center St., off FM 1283, will be open on Saturday, April 30, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Seeking more vendors. For more information, call 830-205-3091.
The Pipe Creek Christian School Spring Fling was quite successful, with several vendors, lively music, and good food; not to mention the incredible sale at the New Life Resale store. The place was packed and the school thanks all who participated.
The Pipe Creek Dancehall Market Day was also packed and very successful. Jakob Botello entertained with his guitar. Owner Dr. Bruce Martin was pleased and appreciative. Even the weather cooperated.
On April 24, Medina Lake is at 19.5 per cent capacity. The lake level is 1009.72 feet, which is down 54.48 feet.
The Medina River has a flow of 7.21 cfs in Bandera, standing 3.24 feet deep at the gage.
Please send your Lakehills, Pipe Creek and Mico news to me by email at [email protected] or call me at 210-563-1186 and leave a message.
Until next time, “¡Vaya con Dios!”
This is for two proposed Texas Constitutional Amendments, for reducing taxes for senior citizens.
ELECTION DAY is Saturday, May 7, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at several combined locations.
MOTHER’S DAY is Sunday, May 8. In 1908 Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother. She meant to honor her mother and she believed all people should honor their mothers.
Her campaign efforts resulted in President Woodrow Wilson signing a proclamation creating Mother’s Day in 1914, setting the second Sunday in May as a national holiday to honor mothers.
Happy Mother’s Day to all moms!
MEDINA LAKE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT will hold their annual BBQ, Auction & Raffle on Saturday, April 30, starting at 11 a.m. Located at 10660 PR 37 in Lakehills, the barbecue meal will be followed by the live auction.
Raffle tickets are available now and can be purchased online by going to the website www.medinalakevfd.com/raffle/ for $10 for 12 tickets. Or, purchase locally from a firefighter at $1 each or $5 for six tickets.
There is a separate, limited ticket Gun Raffle, the tickets purchased in person only from a firefighter or board member. Those tickets are $25 each and only 400 will be sold. Three guns are offered: an AR-15, a 9 mm pistol, and a 12-Ga shotgun. Thanks to Reflex Firearms for donating the guns.
To donate a new or like new item for the auction or raffle, contact the fire department at 830-751-2525.
AMERICAN LEGION POST 410, 147 Legion Dr., Lakehills, is looking for dart players. Teams are now forming for the spring and summer 2022 season. To sign up, contact a veteran at the Post, or a member of the Medina Lake Country Club. For more information, call 210-289-1461, or visit medinalakedart.leaguerepublic.com or check them out on Facebook.
MICO VFD will hold the 58th annual Fundraiser BBQ on Saturday, May 7, beginning at 11 a.m. Located at 7121 CR 271 in Mico, the event will include a raffle, live and silent auctions, bounce houses for all ages, artistic face painting, cotton candy and ice cream; and the opportunity to dunk a firefighter into a dunk tank.
LAKEHILLS FARMERS MARKET, 101 Center St., off FM 1283, will be open on Saturday, April 30, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Seeking more vendors. For more information, call 830-205-3091.
The Pipe Creek Christian School Spring Fling was quite successful, with several vendors, lively music, and good food; not to mention the incredible sale at the New Life Resale store. The place was packed and the school thanks all who participated.
The Pipe Creek Dancehall Market Day was also packed and very successful. Jakob Botello entertained with his guitar. Owner Dr. Bruce Martin was pleased and appreciative. Even the weather cooperated.
On April 24, Medina Lake is at 19.5 per cent capacity. The lake level is 1009.72 feet, which is down 54.48 feet.
The Medina River has a flow of 7.21 cfs in Bandera, standing 3.24 feet deep at the gage.
Please send your Lakehills, Pipe Creek and Mico news to me by email at [email protected] or call me at 210-563-1186 and leave a message.
Until next time, “¡Vaya con Dios!”