October 25, 2022
Keep in Beat with the Bandera Library
By Mauri Guillén Fagan
Bandera Library Director
I think my calendar is wrong. October can’t possibly be almost over. With time seeming to speed up these last few months of the year, it’s important to take a few minutes each day to unwind. Be sure to pick up an October themed Self-Care Kit the next time you are in the library. Each kit contains simple, inexpensive ways to slow down and relax such as herbal tea, a prayer and meditation exercise, a bag of Epsom salts for a soothing bath, an adult coloring sheet, and a delicious baking recipe.
On Wednesday, at 4:30 p.m., the Bandera County Gardeners will meet in the Downstairs Meeting Room. A member of the group will be giving a presentation called Grow Your Own Medicine Garden which will cover the various medicinal plants that you can grow in your home garden. Bring your questions and be ready to take notes!
Our weekly quilting group will be taking a brief hiatus starting Nov. 16. The group will resume in the early spring. If you still want to get a chance to meet up with local crafters, please join our weekly Sit-and-Stitch on Wednesdays, at 4 p.m. Knitters, crocheters, embroiderers and any other kind of stitchers are welcome.
Next Wednesday, Nov. 2, is our monthly class called Medicare 101. This class is given at the beginning of each month and is geared toward helping folks who are about to age into Medicare or who are currently on Medicare but have questions about their coverage.
Save the date for Saturday, Nov. 5, for the Monthly Book Fair hosted by the Friends of the Library. The Friends are currently accepting donations of books for the book fairs. As long as the books are in good shape (please nothing Rover or Whiskers might have sampled) and meet the donation criteria, bring your donation by during regular library hours.
Election day is rapidly approaching. Be prepared and informed when you walk into the poll booth by reading the League of Women Voters non-partisan Voter Guides. The library has copies in English and Spanish. Stop by the library to pick up a hard copy or contact the library to have the digital file emailed to you.
The Bandera Kronkosky Public Library is open Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Curbside service is available for checkouts and business services. Free Wi-Fi is available 24/7. Check out our website www.banderacountylibrary.org for all up-to-date information.
Happy tales, y’all.
On Wednesday, at 4:30 p.m., the Bandera County Gardeners will meet in the Downstairs Meeting Room. A member of the group will be giving a presentation called Grow Your Own Medicine Garden which will cover the various medicinal plants that you can grow in your home garden. Bring your questions and be ready to take notes!
Our weekly quilting group will be taking a brief hiatus starting Nov. 16. The group will resume in the early spring. If you still want to get a chance to meet up with local crafters, please join our weekly Sit-and-Stitch on Wednesdays, at 4 p.m. Knitters, crocheters, embroiderers and any other kind of stitchers are welcome.
Next Wednesday, Nov. 2, is our monthly class called Medicare 101. This class is given at the beginning of each month and is geared toward helping folks who are about to age into Medicare or who are currently on Medicare but have questions about their coverage.
Save the date for Saturday, Nov. 5, for the Monthly Book Fair hosted by the Friends of the Library. The Friends are currently accepting donations of books for the book fairs. As long as the books are in good shape (please nothing Rover or Whiskers might have sampled) and meet the donation criteria, bring your donation by during regular library hours.
Election day is rapidly approaching. Be prepared and informed when you walk into the poll booth by reading the League of Women Voters non-partisan Voter Guides. The library has copies in English and Spanish. Stop by the library to pick up a hard copy or contact the library to have the digital file emailed to you.
The Bandera Kronkosky Public Library is open Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Curbside service is available for checkouts and business services. Free Wi-Fi is available 24/7. Check out our website www.banderacountylibrary.org for all up-to-date information.
Happy tales, y’all.