October 12, 2023
Groovy, Man
By Mikie Baker
The Bandera Prophet
The other day, a commercial on TV used some new hip slang word which I didn’t know. It made me feel old and unhip. I refused to let my hip slip, so I sat down and googled the latest slang for the current young generation. After reading all the new slang and definitions, I decided I’m so unhip, I might need a hip replacement.
So, in an effort to prove that 65 is the new 39, I’ve come up with a list of hip words that you and I can bandy about. Either no kid will understand us, or we’ll be the coolest 39ish people on the block. Let’s jump right in.
Ok, Boomer
I figured this has something to do with the Texas/OU game, but alas, no. Ok, Boomer is a direct insult to our generation as in Generation Z kids can’t be bothered to have a conversation with us Boomers. Obviously, they don’t want to learn anything.
I thought maybe meant your big Sister was your Sus, but wrong again. Sus is slang for suspicious as in, “That Boomer isn’t quite right. I think she acts sus.” It’s short for suspicious and that’s kind of boring.
Glow Up
Lisp? I think not. This is a great term we should all use, and I’d like to thank the teenager that thought it up. Glow Up means you get more STUNNING as you age! What they don’t know is, you’re glowing because you’re going through menopause.
Yes, I drink iced tea every day, but this version of tea won’t quench my thirst. Then again, maybe it will. Tea is used as “Spill the Tea” which means they’ve got some real hot gossip. Well, my hot gossip is we Glow Up as we age.
Damn, Gina
I figure Gina’s “Tea” isn’t so hot but that’s not it at all. Damn, Gina means you’re looking fine. Probably because you’ve Glowed Up. Have I lost you yet?
Very Best Friend and I had a version of this back when we were hot young things getting ready to go out for the evening to flirt with any man available. We’ve stand in front of the mirror and tell each other how darling we were. That was Beat. "You’ve got great makeup; those fake eyelashes are perfect and how do you type with fingernails that long? You’re so Beat."
This one has double meanings so it’s confusing. It either means this is a very festive gathering, “Dude! Your party is Kiki!” or “Spill the Kiki!” which is another way of saying Spill the Tea. I thought it had something to do with being kinky. I guess having two different meanings is kinda kinky.
No Cap
“Your Halloween costume is incredible, No Cap.” Ok, so I forgot my witch’s hat. Actually, what it means is “seriously.” My dad would have said, “Clean up your room, NO CAP!” It would have been pretty hard on him as he sold Men’s Hats.
When it’s Gucci, it means something is really good. Being able to afford a Gucci bag would be really good to me, too.
When someone is desperate for your approval, they are thirsty. So, I am Thirsty for all those laugh emojis under my column every week. Maybe I need a glass of wine.
This slang means, “It was so funny it made me dead.” I sure hope my columns don’t do that to you. At least now you know that the Ok, Boomers are all Glowing Up and Beat. Go ahead and look up the explanations in my handy guide. I’ll wait.
So, in an effort to prove that 65 is the new 39, I’ve come up with a list of hip words that you and I can bandy about. Either no kid will understand us, or we’ll be the coolest 39ish people on the block. Let’s jump right in.
Ok, Boomer
I figured this has something to do with the Texas/OU game, but alas, no. Ok, Boomer is a direct insult to our generation as in Generation Z kids can’t be bothered to have a conversation with us Boomers. Obviously, they don’t want to learn anything.
I thought maybe meant your big Sister was your Sus, but wrong again. Sus is slang for suspicious as in, “That Boomer isn’t quite right. I think she acts sus.” It’s short for suspicious and that’s kind of boring.
Glow Up
Lisp? I think not. This is a great term we should all use, and I’d like to thank the teenager that thought it up. Glow Up means you get more STUNNING as you age! What they don’t know is, you’re glowing because you’re going through menopause.
Yes, I drink iced tea every day, but this version of tea won’t quench my thirst. Then again, maybe it will. Tea is used as “Spill the Tea” which means they’ve got some real hot gossip. Well, my hot gossip is we Glow Up as we age.
Damn, Gina
I figure Gina’s “Tea” isn’t so hot but that’s not it at all. Damn, Gina means you’re looking fine. Probably because you’ve Glowed Up. Have I lost you yet?
Very Best Friend and I had a version of this back when we were hot young things getting ready to go out for the evening to flirt with any man available. We’ve stand in front of the mirror and tell each other how darling we were. That was Beat. "You’ve got great makeup; those fake eyelashes are perfect and how do you type with fingernails that long? You’re so Beat."
This one has double meanings so it’s confusing. It either means this is a very festive gathering, “Dude! Your party is Kiki!” or “Spill the Kiki!” which is another way of saying Spill the Tea. I thought it had something to do with being kinky. I guess having two different meanings is kinda kinky.
No Cap
“Your Halloween costume is incredible, No Cap.” Ok, so I forgot my witch’s hat. Actually, what it means is “seriously.” My dad would have said, “Clean up your room, NO CAP!” It would have been pretty hard on him as he sold Men’s Hats.
When it’s Gucci, it means something is really good. Being able to afford a Gucci bag would be really good to me, too.
When someone is desperate for your approval, they are thirsty. So, I am Thirsty for all those laugh emojis under my column every week. Maybe I need a glass of wine.
This slang means, “It was so funny it made me dead.” I sure hope my columns don’t do that to you. At least now you know that the Ok, Boomers are all Glowing Up and Beat. Go ahead and look up the explanations in my handy guide. I’ll wait.