December 14, 2023
Notice To Bidders
Competitive sealed proposals for furnishing all equipment, tools, material, labor and skills necessary and incidental to perform all work described in the Proposed Contract Documents entitled: DEMOLITION OF NON-HISTORIC ELEMENTS OF OLD 1881 JAIL AND OLD 1877 COURTHOUSE CSP NUMBER: 121423-9 will be received at the Office of the County Judge, Bandera County Courthouse, located at 500 Main Street, Bandera, Texas until 4:00 PM, local time on Thursday January 18, 2024 and will then be publicly opened and read aloud. The said documents have been prepared by Fisher Heck Architects and may be obtained from the office of the County Judge, Bandera County Courthouse, 500 Main Street, Bandera, Texas. Documents are also available for downloading and viewing at Virtual Builders Exchange, The documents will also be available at A non-mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting and Tour will be held Thursday January 4, 2024, 2023 at 2:00 PM local time at the project site.
Project Description: Work includes demolition and cleanup services of approximately 4,130 SF of structures located at 200 12th Street, Bandera, Texas. All proposals must be submitted on the form provided by the County and further must be properly executed in the space(s) provided. The demolition site area and structures are illustrated on the plans prepared by Fisher Heck Architects, dated November 10, 2023.
All bids shall be made on the printed proposal forms attached to and made a part of the Proposed Contract Documents and submitted in a sealed envelope marked with Bid Number (CSP# 121423-9), Bid Description (Demolition of Non-Historic Elements of Old 1881 Jail and Old 1877 Courthouse), and Bid Opening Date (January 18, 2024). Bids which are mailed shall be placed in a separate sealed envelope, labeled as described in this paragraph, inside the mailing envelope. Bids mailed to this office shall be addressed to: Bandera County-ATTN: County Judge, PO Box 877, Bandera, TX 78003. Bids delivered in person shall be delivered to: Bandera County Courthouse-ATTN: County Judge, 500 Main Street, Bandera, TX 78003. Each Bidder must submit with the bid a certified or cashiers’ check or a bid bond on AIA form A310 in an amount equal to five (5) % of the bid. Bidders may not withdraw their bids for a period of at least sixty (60) days after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of the bids. Bandera County reserves the right to reject any or all bids and re-advertise for Bids; reserves the right to waive informalities and irregularities and to make awards on bids which furnish the materials and construction that will in their opinion serve the best interests of the County.
Project Description: Work includes demolition and cleanup services of approximately 4,130 SF of structures located at 200 12th Street, Bandera, Texas. All proposals must be submitted on the form provided by the County and further must be properly executed in the space(s) provided. The demolition site area and structures are illustrated on the plans prepared by Fisher Heck Architects, dated November 10, 2023.
All bids shall be made on the printed proposal forms attached to and made a part of the Proposed Contract Documents and submitted in a sealed envelope marked with Bid Number (CSP# 121423-9), Bid Description (Demolition of Non-Historic Elements of Old 1881 Jail and Old 1877 Courthouse), and Bid Opening Date (January 18, 2024). Bids which are mailed shall be placed in a separate sealed envelope, labeled as described in this paragraph, inside the mailing envelope. Bids mailed to this office shall be addressed to: Bandera County-ATTN: County Judge, PO Box 877, Bandera, TX 78003. Bids delivered in person shall be delivered to: Bandera County Courthouse-ATTN: County Judge, 500 Main Street, Bandera, TX 78003. Each Bidder must submit with the bid a certified or cashiers’ check or a bid bond on AIA form A310 in an amount equal to five (5) % of the bid. Bidders may not withdraw their bids for a period of at least sixty (60) days after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of the bids. Bandera County reserves the right to reject any or all bids and re-advertise for Bids; reserves the right to waive informalities and irregularities and to make awards on bids which furnish the materials and construction that will in their opinion serve the best interests of the County.